
Ankle treatment


The ankle is a joint that connects the foot to the lower leg. It is composed of three bones: the tibia and fibula from the lower leg and the

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The hip joint is one of the largest and most crucial joints in the human body. It connects the thigh bone (femur) to the pelvis

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The wrist joint, also known as the radiocarpal joint, is where the radius bone of the forearm meets the carpal bones of the

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osteopathic therapist checking female patient's elbow joint movement


The elbow is a complex joint that allows for the movement of the forearm, enabling us to perform a wide range of daily

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The shoulder joint tend to be one of the most mobile joints of the human body. It allows for a wide range of movement

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knee orthopeadics


The knee joint is a complex joint that is critical to mobility and movement. It is the largest joint in the human body and is composed

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Know your Ailment

Know your Ailment

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear – a tear in the ligament that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone in the knee, usually caused

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