Heart disease is closely linked to the chronic condition diabetes. There are a lot of studies that suggest if not managed effectively, diabetes could potentially raise the risk of heart disease. The blood vessels and nerves that controll our heart gets damaged by high blood sugar levels. This increases the chances of getting heart attacks, strokes, and other complications.
But with proper intervention, lifestyle modification, and proper management it is possible to prevent and reverse heart disease. Consult a best cardiologist in Chennai if you are feeling any difficulties in breathing and discomfort in your chest. Swift actions can make significant difference.
Type – 2 diabetes, which is the major type that affects the patients contributes to the risk of heart disease. Hyperglycemia or persistent high blood sugar levels damages blood vessels and weakens heart function.
Many diabetic patients experience hypertension, which leads to an excessive stress on your heart. Diabetes can also cause serious complications with LDL, aka bad cholestrol and HDL aka good cholesterol. Obesity is one of the serious concern for diabetics, and is a significant contributor to risk of heart disease.
By addressing these risk factors through an effective diabetes management, individuals can significantly lower their chances of heart-related complications.
Maintaining healthy level of blood sugar
Keeping your blood sugar level healthy is quitessential to your blood vessels and nervous system that contributes to a proper heart functioning and reduces the risk of heart disease. Regular monitoring, a balanced diet, proper medication (only if prescribed) helps in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.
Adopt a Heart-Healthy lifestyle
Your diet is the primary factor of your overall health. Adopt a balanced diet with the adequate amount of nutrients to maintain a heathy heart.
Exercise helps in improving insulin sensitivity, reducing blood pressure, and maintaining a healthy weight. Activities such as walking, bicycling, yoga, and strength training (ask for the intensity that suits your conditions to your trainer).
Chronic stress increases blood sugar levels and negatively affects heart health. Meditation, breathing exercises and quality sleep of atleast 7-8 hours will manage your stress effectively.
If you are experiencing symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or irregular heartbeats, seeking medical assistance promptly can save your life. If you suspect any heart problems, or seeing visible symptoms book an appointment with Orthomed hospital today.
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