Arthroscopic Assisted radial head fixation / Excision

Arthroscopic Assisted radial head fixation / Excision:

Arthroscopic assisted radial head fixation/excision is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat fractures or dislocations of the radial head of the elbow joint. This procedure involves making small incisions in the skin and inserting a tiny camera and specialized surgical tools to manipulate and fix the radial head. The surgery aims to restore the normal anatomy of the elbow joint and improve the range of motion and strength of the affected arm.

Radial head fractures are common injuries and are often associated with dislocation of the elbow joint. The surgical approach for radial head fractures depends on the extent of the injury, but in some cases, arthroscopic surgery is recommended for optimal outcomes. In arthroscopic assisted radial head fixation in Chennai, the surgeon uses a minimally invasive technique to fix the fractured bone using screws, wires, or plates. In arthroscopic assisted radial head excision, the surgeon removes the damaged radial head and replaces it with an artificial implant.

Postoperative rehabilitation is an essential aspect of the recovery process to restore the full range of motion, strength, and function of the elbow joint. The rehabilitation program typically includes a combination of physical therapy exercises and pain management techniques to help patients recover from the surgery successfully.

Arthroscopic assisted radial head fixation in Chennai

Arthroscopic assisted radial head fixation in Chennai or excision is a surgical procedure performed to treat radial head fractures or chronic elbow pain caused by radial head instability. Radial head fractures can occur due to various reasons, including trauma, falls, and sports injuries. The radial head is a small, round bone located at the top of the radius bone in the forearm, and it plays a crucial role in the elbow joint’s stability and movement.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision near the elbow joint and inserts an arthroscope to visualize the fracture or instability. Then, the surgeon can either fix the radial head with screws or wires or remove it entirely, depending on the severity of the injury and the patient’s condition. The goal of the procedure is to relieve pain, restore elbow joint stability and function, and prevent long-term complications like arthritis or limited range of motion.

Arthroscopic assisted radial head fixation in Chennai or excision is a minimally invasive surgical technique that offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including smaller incisions, less blood loss, faster recovery time, and reduced risk of infection. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can typically resume their normal activities within a few weeks to months, depending on the extent of the injury and the success of the surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

The safe zone for radial head fixation in chennai, known as the “Green Zone,” is an area on the lateral view of the elbow where screws can be placed without impinging the radiocapitellar joint. Located within 1 cm of the articular margin of the radial head, this zone minimizes the risk of damaging the joint while ensuring secure fixation during surgical procedures for radial head fractures.
The surgical repair of a radial head typically involves several options, depending on the severity of the fracture:
  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): Involves realigning the fractured pieces and securing them with screws or plates.
  • Radial Head Replacement: Partial or total replacement with a prosthetic implant.
  • Radial Head Excision: Removal of the damaged radial head in certain cases, relying on surrounding structures for stability.
The choice of procedure depends on the specific characteristics of the radial head fracture and the patient’s overall condition.
Contraindications to radial head excision include:
  • Elbow Instability: Removal may compromise joint stability, especially in the presence of ligamentous injuries.
  • Complex Fractures: In cases of complex radial head fractures involving significant displacement or comminution.
  • Associated Soft Tissue Injuries: The presence of substantial soft tissue injuries may contraindicate excision.
  • Polytrauma: When a patient has multiple injuries requiring joint stability for functional recovery.
  • Unstable Elbow Arthritis: Excision is discouraged in the presence of unstable elbow arthritis, as it may exacerbate joint degeneration.
Individual cases should be thoroughly assessed, and alternative treatment options considered based on specific clinical characteristics.